Organizing & Advocacy

Organizing & Advocacy

Organizing & Advocacy

Voices & Choices for Children Organizing & Advocacy

What We Do

Convene, train and support early childhood leaders and advocates of color and American Indians across Minnesota to organize and advocate around community-based solutions and a proactive racial equity agenda for children of color and American Indian children through:

  1. Voices and Choices for Children “Day on the Hill”
  2. Parent Advocacy and Organizing Training Continuum
  3. Identify, recruit and uplift leaders and advocates from communities of color and American Indian communities to influence local systems and decision makers
  4. Conduct Introduction to Advocacy and Organizing Training and Citizen Lobbying Training for Voices and Choices for Children Coalition Partners
  5. Convene Quarterly Voices and Choices for Children Full Coalition Meetings
  6. Convene Bi-Monthly Voices and Choices for Children Steering Committee Meetings